Hibernate One to many (@OneToMany) relationship
To create the relationship from one parent to multiple children, we use @OneToMany mapping in hibernate or JPA. Here is the example of how to use @OneToMany annotation.
To create the relationship from one parent to multiple children, we use @OneToMany mapping in hibernate or JPA. Here is the example of how to use @OneToMany annotation.
Sometime, you have to create the relationships among the various tables or entities when we work in database design. Like, if we consider Book and Author entities, there A book may belongs to one author, but a author can belong to many books.
Here is the hibernate example for this scnario.
Its very common that your client asks to send the email to user which have good look and feel having the use of multiple font sizes, colors and images. Some time you may need to define the email template for the email which is shared by the client. This template is first converted in HTML and then added to the drupal backend to send the email to the user in this format having the dynamic values.
Followings are the typical steps in software development process. However, there are many methodologies/Processes redefine these terms.
MySql replication is a method to maintain multiple copies of a database on different machines automatically. This arrangement is referred as master-slave replication. By using this arrangement, you can take the backup of the database, you can use one database for read and another for write, you can distribute the transaction load to all databases etc.
The arrangements vary as the requirements. There could be multiple masters and multiple slaves or you could create the tree hierarchy or array of database servers. Please read other reference books or websites for details.
In Drupal, sometime you use the JavaScript file that is needed to specific page. Drupal provide the way to do this by using the drupal_add_js() method. This method takes various parameters which help you to decide the order, group, scope etc. of this added JavaScript file. Here is the example.
1 . Go to the website https://getcomposer.org
2 . Download the window installer i.e. “Composer-Setup.exe”. When you click on this file after downloaded, you will see the following dialog box.
Opencart 2 Search feature gives the result based on the provided keywords using but the actual implementation may not fulfil your requirements. In this case, you could customize the search logic as per your requirements. Here is the explanation how the Opencart 2 search workflow works.
Here is the example which explains how the Spring and Hibernate work together in a web application which is developed using the Spring MVC.
First, we need to create the Spring MVC project. For this, we will start from configuring the web.xml file as following:
Install vsftpd package using the yum repository
#yum -y install vsftpd